As I began to understand relationship and how it works, I realized that relationship makes us a house and the strength of our bonding is tested on the inside. People before they become a part of our life, see us and define us by how we are and when they finally get welcomed into our life, they define us by who we are. This means that there is a person on the outside that is not the total identity of him or her and you will wrongly judge a person when you have knowledge of how he/she is only. The how we are, is the person we see when someone appears before us and the who we are, is the person we see in his/her attitude and the way he/she treats others. Everyone is found with stuff like make up, plastic surgery, body building, sexy clothes or whatever that we can embellish the outside with in some areas of our life that we’ve not taking the time to beautify the inside person we are. Our embellishment of the outside plays a role to bring people but it doesn’t guarantee their stay, the stay hinges on what they see on the inside and anyone we have a relationship with, live inside. A house with the inside appalling but the outside gorgeous, will never get anyone to stay because no one is attracted to living in an ugly place and this is the reason why you find gorgeous and elegant ladies without a man in their life or men breaking up with them and some who do plastic surgery, still don’t feel loved or have men stay with them  for so long and people get tired, frustrated and hide their hearts in a relationship , all of these is predicated on the fact that we have embellished the outside of ourselves better than we've on the inside, forgetting that it is the inside our outside brings them to and when our attitude is less beautiful than the outside, it evicts them from being a part of our life. Everyone in a relationship with someone, is living with the person inside and this is the person that has the power to either keep you in their life or kick you out. This is where our bond, our love we profess to each other by our outside self is tested. How does your inside look like? Is it more gorgeous than the outside? It maybe because of the person they meet inside that makes them not stay with you and you begin to wonder what's wrong with you, are you not good enough to be loved, admired or have a relationship with. There might not be a thing wrong on your outlook but something in your in-look. The sooner you begin to do more work and make changes on the inside person you are, the quicker you get to a place where you will find yourself in a relationship that exudes love better and many connecting to you. 


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