We know so much about everything happening outside of us but little of what’s taking place on the inside, we are so inquisitive about people and never paying attention to ourselves. As we begin to live in the ages of life, our physical appearance changes because it knows that there is something more to it that must be reached and the only way it can become the more is by growing. Growing refers to the change that comes with you becoming the more you perceive of yourself and so it is possible to change and not grow when you aren’t aware of the more to you than you know. Iphone 7 grows into Iphone 8 because it has become the more of itself and so there is a change in the appearance to validate that. The change we experience on the outside is a validation that we are indeed growing but nowadays we want to look more rather than be more, being pretentious in our speaking, actions and dressings. To change to what you see on the outside is to only look more, to change to the person you see on the inside is to be and look more. A company no matter how big, how many times it changes its location or how many of it exists, will not grow until it does more than what is, that’s why are seed becomes a tree by growing not changing.  Everything in life has more to it than what we see. There is so much more in us than who we see ourselves to be, our perception hinges on the knowledge we have about a thing and we might be living below the maximum expression of ourselves because our perception about ourselves limited .  We underutilize ourselves when we know little about ourselves, a laptop no doubt has the capability to do so much but when we no little of it, we do little with it. The level of knowledge we have of ourselves is the level in which we will be and operate on, if you think you are a dummy, you will operate as a dummy and live as one. The reason why we have great, average and low life people results from the level of ourselves we express, anytime you perceive that there is no more to you to express, you become stagnant and that’s why you are stuck in a situation.

  It is called self-discovery because you are hiding. This is true because we see everyone everyday but ourselves. Everything you are is because of the part of you discovered and everything you will be, will be the part yet to be discovered. You can’t discover yourself through someone that’s why is called self-discovery and so what others think or say you are doesn’t not mean it is you until you say or think of it as yourself but sometimes we accept what others say to be us because we do not know who we are and we might have accepted a lie to be us, live a lie and never discover the truth about ourselves. If you can’t be alone with yourself you can’t know more about you like when you are on a date, you are alone with that person and with that, you find yourselves getting to know each other more, you couldn’t do this in the crowd because silence makes you speak and so when you are with yourself, yourself speaks to you about you.  Life will be a lot better if you know more about you than other people and you will begin to live in a better condition and better place in life.


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