While I gazed at the birds in the air and thought of the fishes in the sea, I became aware that this two were living in an entirely different place but definitely in the right place. I knew that the reason why they have different place is coming from the way they are which is formed by their difference in potential for the bird is with strong wings and fish with fins and so it is the potential that takes them into a different place. I realized that each one of us according to our potential have a place meant for us to live our life at. This place is unique to us and cannot be occupied by any other person because of our unique potential that gives us the access into this place. Everything we ever wish for in life is at this place but the problem is we are unaware of our place and we walk to the end of life and never have the opportunity to live our life there. The inability to discern this place traps us in the wrong place. Many of us are living our life in the wrong place and you go through lots of horrific experiences that crushes your hope and you begin to see life as unfair because of the horrendous situation you confront but in fact it is the place you live your life from  that is hindering your life from exuding the experiences that should have been yours  but you lay in a wrong place and waste yourself in sad days and cruel nights never really living life just surviving one and you die while your place remains vacant.  

Wrong place makes us live beneath the person we are destined to be. A man living in a place of poverty will not be able to reach the maximum expression of himself, not able to be the great man that lives inside of him. The reason why you feel depressed, sad,  discouraged about where you are in life is because there is something deep down inside of you that understand that the place you are is not yours to live in and those who do not claw their way out of it are those who suffer while they strive to survive in it. Living in the wrong place results into several things which I will expound on five.
1. No opportunity to utilize your potential. When the eagle rest on the ground, its wing is no longer utilized because the sky is the only place its wing is needed.  Anytime you live outside of your place, your potential goes dormant and because your potential is what brings you to your place, you will be stuck in a wrong place. You being away from your place, you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere with the opportunity to utilize your potential.
2. Your identity changes. When the eagle lands on the ground and begins to walk. It no longer operates as an eagle but a chicken and so the name eagle goes unseen because eagles are meant to be soaring in the air not walking on dry land like the chickens. Living in the wrong place will make you  become who you are not because your true identity is lost and now you operate as someone that is of the place you are in, you begin to think like a pauper, eat like a pauper, dress like a pauper but this pauper is not who you truly are. 
3. You live in a world that is not yours.  The world of the eagle is in the air and that of the chickens on dry land, if the eagle stays on the dry land, it has come into a world that is not its and the danger of living in a world that is not yours is that you do not have the capacity to live well in it, you will only survive in it and you will be dependent on the people around you. Living in a world that is not yours is frustrating because your potential is not built to manage the world. 
4. Potential is hidden. The wrong place does not allow you to discover your talent, gifting, in fact, it is the one that hides your potential from you and makes you feel you are without a potential as you peek through the window of others life and see talents lifting people into a position that is beyond what you can ever dream of.  No wonder you dream beyond the place you are just so you come into the discovery of your potential because it can’t be discovered in the place you are. 
5. You die before your time. The eagle is not created to be on dry land, its parts are meant to keep it in the air and when it comes to live on the dry land like the chicken, it doesn’t have the parts that makes it to fight when necessary, where to go to get food. The fish when pulled out of the sea, it struggles to stay alive which is the definition for surviving and eventually it dies because no matter how it may survive, it still doesn’t have what it takes to live outside of its place.

Therefore, it is important we find our place in life and live from there because living in a place that is rightfully yours, gives you everything that is yours.  What brings us to this place is our purpose. Once we are able to understand what we are to do on this earth, it enables us to rightfully identify the places that we ought to be in order to fulfill our purpose.


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