The existence of a thing is proven by its ability to be seen. The eye is therefore a means through which we know that things exist and so everything outside of our sight in a way is considered to not exist. This thought is the foundation on which I build this article because time is one of the things that exist but cannot be seen and the inability to see it has many of us trapped in a lifestyle of disregarding it and while we go blind to it every day, we watch it bring death and cause the aging of humans. We see to understand, we do not understand to see and because we cannot see time, our lack of understanding of it has caused us not to appreciate time.
   In time everything is held in existence and anything out of time is dead.  A product when it goes beyond the expiring date, it is no longer advised to be used and therefore its importance is drained out from it which means that we are still breathing relevancy in our life because we are still within the field of time. Time is important to life and irrelevant to death. Time is life because life is the total number of time summed up  which makes the act of living is the subtraction of time from life till life finally gets to zero which is when we die and so  the years we have lived are the time subtracted which applies that we all are living with the uncertainty of the time we have left and this knowledge leaves us quaked if we should ponder on it and because each one of us have different total number and  we have things we wish to do that will possibly go beyond the unknown number to be accomplished. With this insight, it means that we are obliged to live our life differently at a different pace and everyone should be moving, doing things on time but most of us are living on direct opposite and it has led us into time wasting

The very fact that we cannot figure out how much time we have left, that we are living with this uncertainty should place us in the position of making the most out of life but instead it has been the cause of many not appreciating life because we make guesses  in our mind  that we have much time left and we live our life through this guess that is not certain and this risk we take has caused many to die without achieving all that they need to achieve and has caused those close to death to die with the regret of not living life to the fullest.  Because we do not know when we will die, we think we will live forever but death is coming for us all.
A man with an incurable disease and he is been told that he has 3 months left to live, will really live life because he knows the importance of life and learns to appreciate it.  It is because we are not told when we will die that makes us never to take life seriously for if we knew when we will die, we will never waste our time on things that don’t matter at all because it is then our eyes wakes up to see the things that really matters and it is then we begin to really live life and so death is the inspiration we all need in our life to live our life in the best way possible and to teach us to appreciate life.  If you really understand death, you will really understand life and if you know that death does not have time for you to accomplish all that you want to do, you will never waste the time of life. The separation of humans is in how much you recognize the existence of time in the days of your life, how well you utilize it and what you use it for.

We seldom appreciate life because we see life through the lenses of our situation and so we let our situation shape our life that’s why we say we have a bad life because we face a horrific and horrendous situation. We cannot not look at life through the lenses of our situation and appreciate life always because situations are never stable but life is and you will think there is no hope in life because you live in a predicament that looks hopeless. You will get hurt by your situation and insult your life but if you understand that life is on your side and that it gives you the opportunity to change your situation, you will never be bitter or hopeless because you will know that as long as you are still alive, there is an opportunity to turn things around. I want you to drop the lenses and appreciate life for keeping you from being dead because a living dog is better than a dead lion. If you can appreciate life, you can suck out the goodies in every moment.


It is indeed right to say we will all die and we are getting closer to death every day and not know when will get there is the force that drives the thought of  ‘ what will I do with the time I have left’  into our head, for what we do is how we spend our life and how we spend our life might not be the best way to because what we do might not be the best of what we can do or what we are created to do and while we are doing, life is on a journey to meet death. What will you do with the time you have left calls for meditation to discover all that you want to do and prioritization, to give order to what you what to spend your time on and this is the way life should be lived. If you don’t start now doing what you want to do, you might never do it or complete it.


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