The door conceals what’s on the inside from the people standing outside and sometimes what’s outside of us, our situation or circumstances is the door that conceals what’s on the inside of us, our greatness. When we are raised with this door, it becomes hard for us to see that who we are can be more than what we are with the door. In this predicament of life comes a belief in ourselves we must indoctrinate. The act of believing in yourself is you having hope that there is more to you on the inside than the you outside the door even though you do not yet see it and when you indulge in this action, it is the force that makes you fight, struggle, sacrifice and claw your way out of your situation because the you on the inside has given hope to the outside you that there is something beyond your present situation that is better and this something can be seen as our dreams and vision because they are in fact something better that’s beyond our situation. If you do not believe in yourself, you will forever remain in that horrendous situation and will never live in the beyond of your circumstance. If you do not believe in yourself, you will never have hope rescue you from your crisis or challenges. I need you to understand that there wouldn’t be a door if there wasn’t something inside and so when you encounter a situation, do not let it dissuade you by you thinking that this is all to your life. The reason why we lose our hope when we meet with problems is because we think that it is all our life will ever be. Our presumption has caused many to die in a lie. When the door becomes bigger, it is no longer a door but a gate which means that what’s on the inside is more than what’s concealed by the door. The bigger your problem, is a sign that what’s inside you is bigger and so you need more hope, believe in yourself, tenacity mustered to claw your way out and in a case like this, no or less of the hope, tenacity or believe that is needed will stop you from escaping your horrific reality. If you do not believe this, look at the great people and look at where their life started from. Most of them came from a hopeless reality but they pushed beyond it into a new reality they dreamed of, if you do not push yourself out of there, no one will take you out.


Just because there is a door doesn’t mean you can’t open it but the difficulty in opening the door, the inability to change your situation is the result of you not utilizing your potential. Sometimes to escape your harsh reality is to use your potential. This is the doing of what you can do best and once all your effort is concentrated at what you do best, it will move you out of your harsh reality. One of the reasons why we dwell in our circumstances is because of the lack of awareness of our potential. For if you know what you can do best, you will do the best you can to escape your harsh reality. A door has its own key which means that you have the right potential to escape the cruelty of life you live and you will know it is the key when you use it and you begin to discover improvement and change in your situation because only the right key can open its door. But some of us do what we see others doing because it is saving them and this is where you get it wrong because our situation differs and so is our potential  and if you try to use someone else’s  potential, it will never open your door. It is your unique potential that will get you out and into a better place in life. Find your unique potential and utilize it.


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