As we live as we grow, we see life different from ours when we meet people from different culture, race and nationality. Watching the beauty painted all over the many life we are welcomed to be a part of and how perfect we perceive them to be.  We compare our life with theirs and we become aware of our deficits that separate ours from theirs and we attach our deficiency to life like poor life, unhappy life, boring life and we compare our appearance with theirs and discover our imperfection. What we see outside of us has made us feel weird, alienated, apart from the world as everyone we sight seems to be without a spot of problem, wrongs, imperfection or deficiency in their life.
  The extinction of vulnerability is killing others who can’t facade it and their eyes pull the trigger. Social network facilitates this affair as Instagram
especially, is loaded with posts of people with their perfect self and life. The reality of not seeing anyone in our same kind of problem, imperfection, makes us nurture the thought that it is only unique to us.  Everyone runs from being vulnerable, we do everything possible to hide our vulnerability from others because our desire is to be part of the perfect people and life we think to be real. We go to hide behind plastic surgery, clubs, drug abuse, riches, enormous mansion and expensive cars and cloths, working out at the gym, choosing certain kinds of dress to don. Everyone you see in some area of their life is hiding.  As we choose to hide our vulnerability, we hide a part of us to become someone else to fill up that gap because this part of us leads insecurity, loneliness, alienation, and sorrow into our life and it becomes our weakness. All our hide outs tells what we are hiding, being a clubber tells what vulnerability we hide but our hide outs do nothing to eradicate the things that makes us vulnerable, it just hides it from others seeing it but not from ourselves and so it becomes a thing on the inside of us only known to us, that part of us we hide is the thing that is inside of everyone. That part of us is the deepest secret about ourselves that not even our family knows of because we never live as that person or speak about that person to anyone and we do all of these to keep living the life we get from our hide outs but how long are we going to keep hiding? We will not be able to experience our life to the fullest if we keep living the life we get from our hide outs.


Nick Vujicic is one of the most obscure motivational speaker in the world. Growing up with no hands or legs, he couldn't hide this part of him that makes him vulnerable. He struggled from his childhood to teenage life, in school and out of school. Imagine the trauma he went through, he tried committing suicide couple of times but here he is smiling and speaking to immense crowds. He wouldn't have become the best of who he is now if he didn't learn to live with his vulnerability and he did it by learning to love his vulnerabilities and having people love him with how he is.We can’t evict our vulnerability from our life but we can love it. Loving ourselves makes us live with every part of us, it is only those who do not love themselves that will try to fit into another body. The vulnerable part of us must be loved to live with it openly and not allow it make us insecure, lonely or unhappy and we can love it by appreciating it and focusing more on the other part of us.  Love exists when it is for the part of us we hide. A man truly loves a lady when he loves the part of her she hides but we hiding that part of us that makes us vulnerable, stops ourselves from being loved. Don’t we all need love? This is the desire of the part of us we hide not the other parts because they already got love.


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