
Showing posts from December, 2017


Living outside purpose is one of the things we all are caught doing. We do this because we have no clue to what our purpose is and so we try to become an airplane when we really are a shoe not realizing that we do not in any way have the parts of a plane to be one and we walk our life on this erroneous path to explain to ourselves that we lack the awareness of our potential. An artist cannot become a songwriter but he will only struggle to be one when he does not know his potential. There will be a lack of something in a place outside your purpose that is required of you and while you struggle to stay in that place, you will never be able to sense fulfillment or happiness because the place does not demand the use of your potential but rather puts it to sleep and that nagging feeling that there is something more than this, is the snoring sound of the sleeping potential inside of you that needs to be awaken by living on purpose. The act of utilizing your gifting is the result of your...


Purpose creates the existence of everything which we see. The things which are seen existing are in existence because of its purpose. Purpose must be fulfilled and so things are built to exist as a means through which purpose is fulfilled, that without purpose nothing will exist. Everything built was made with the purpose in mind which means that purpose makes the things which we see possible. This is quite a compelling understanding because with this understand we can fully be aware of the reason why things are made differently, why a shoe does not look like an airplane because of their difference in purpose which created the obtrusive difference in the invention. PURPOSE OF HUMANS Watching life's been lived without discovering purpose is one of the most disturbing view to see. We live a confused life when we refuse to discover our purpose, denying ourselves the opportunity to live the life that is full of everything that is for us only. We exist to serve a purpose, it is in ...


The existence of a thing is proven by its ability to be seen. The eye is therefore a means through which we know that things exist and so everything outside of our sight in a way is considered to not exist. This thought is the foundation on which I build this article because time is one of the things that exist but cannot be seen and the inability to see it has many of us trapped in a lifestyle of disregarding it and while we go blind to it every day, we watch it bring death and cause the aging of humans. We see to understand, we do not understand to see and because we cannot see time, our lack of understanding of it has caused us not to appreciate time.    In time everything is held in existence and anything out of time is dead.  A product when it goes beyond the expiring date, it is no longer advised to be used and therefore its importance is drained out from it which means that we are still breathing relevancy in our life because we are still within the field of t...


A car, bus or an airplane has of its part an object that spins continuously as it moves.  The tire of a car is a spinning part of the car. Whenever the vehicle is in motion, the tire spins and as long as the car is in motion, the spinning continues. In other words, the indication that a car is moving can be discerned by the continuous spinning of the tire. Whenever the tire fails to spin, it explains why the vehicle is not in motion.   With the understanding of a moving vehicle, we can clearly view human life through this eye of understanding that in our life, there is a part of us that takes up the position of the spinning object of a vehicle through which our life hinges on to move from the repellent situation we find ourselves. It is relevant to make it spin in order to make life move or shift from a predicament of life. This object to humans is nothing more than the mindset. “ Great people are born from a great mind ” Money will get you to places but your mind will get pe...